We’re still staying safe at home, and there is still so much to do!
Jazzvox is having amazing concerts via livestream. Tony DeSare, one of my favorite crooners, will be performing on May 3rd. For more artistic works such as plays, poetry or lectures, be sure to check out the Society of the Four Arts.

There’s a wonderful site called The Discoverer, which has a lot of information about interesting things going on, in case you want to utilize it once we can finally take a vacation and explore new places. There’s another website called ChangeThatUp, which gives all kinds of great life advice.

The most exciting news is that I’ve been doing a fabulous new Facebook Live show called Bonnie’s Fashion Buzz! Watch it live on my personal Facebook page weekdays at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel and stay up to date on new episodes.

Whether you’re exploring a new website with travel tips, or you’re watching a new episode of Bonnie’s Fashion Buzz, remember, it’s all about style!